The Portrait of a Tiverton Graduate

In 2022, we asked every student, parent, staff member, and multiple community members to let us know the most important competencies they would like to see in our graduates. Thus, through a broad community consensus, we identified these five:

  1. Empathy

  2. Collaboration

  3. Responsibility

  4. Communication

  5. Critical Thinking

This list could not be more perfect. Four out of our five competencies were on the list developed by Fortune 500 companies as the most desirable skills they look for in hiring their employees. Our only difference was that they listed leadership and we have empathy. Our goal for this year is to embed experiences with these five competencies into all grade levels and courses offered in our school system. By doing this we focus on the readiness gap which is providing our students with the skills they need to be successful in life after high school. This will become Tivertonā€™s "North Star" for our transformation process. As the year progresses please ask your children about how they are learning and developing empathy, collaboration, responsibility, communication and critical thinking skills.

The Administrative Team

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Portrait of  a Graduate